Sunday, 23 March 2014

More Plans, Sections, and Other Drawings.

Section of idea with objects/features that interact with the 5 senses.

Drawing of a seat idea, possibly covered with maps of places that are important to me or a wooden floor texture (similar to that of my childhood home).

Plan of an idea involving multiple textures significant to me curving along the ground. The curvy patterns are inspired by the shapes created by water. 

Plan of a 'reading room' of sorts, inspired by my love of knowledge and featuring panels illustrated below & gardens of roses to fill the room with scents that remind me of home.

Drawing of textured panels inspired by the Wellington hills sculpture in previous post. This sculpture idea of mine has begun to take on a new meaning as these panels - on a smaller scale these ridges and valleys also appear like water to me as well as the hills they originally conveyed. This made me think of Mihimihi and how you can introduce your river, mountain, sea etc. so I'm associating each panel to one of these.

Section of 'reading room'

Another section of a room designed to interact with the 5 senses.

Plan of the room above featuring map chairs and wall structure inspired by the hills sculpture.
The portability of these cubes represents how the many places I consider special to me are separated by distance, but all link up as part of my identity.

Plan of a room in the style of a cinema, featuring a screen playing childhood movies/films that are meaningful to me. Rug at the front is similar to a rug infront of our tv at home where all the kids/teens sit when we watch things as a family.

Section of the cinema style room.

Perspective of the cinema room showing the rear wall with the screen.

Section of my environment-based plan in an eariler post. Designed to replicate the sensations and environment of my room in the early morning as this is my favourite time and place put together.

A more detailed drawing of the indented pillow/blanket area designed to mimic the feel of a messy bed in the morning as featured in the section above.

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