I feel like I haven't explained the whole story/thought process behind my design quite well enough, so here goes. The main concept behind my space is a 'reading room', based on my own love for reading/knowledge (Hence the bookcase on the rear wall). Another overarching theme that I've noticed coming through in my design is how the things that I think define me as a person are memories and things from my childhood, and I've found out through this process that I consider my roots as a large part of what makes me unique.
The room is filled with what I consider to be motifs of my life. For example, the french style planters are based on ones we used to grow plants in every spring when I was little, and the glass floor is like the one we had in our bathroom that was always a talking point of our house growing up.
In the space there are large comfy armchairs which I chose because a) they're great for reading and therefore are functional, and b) I'm extremely attached to this type of chair, my grandma who lived here in Wellington had a special room for when she had guests over, and if we were allowed inside it was always hugely exciting for me. My brother and I would always fight over who got to sit in the best armchair. I'm considering making these chairs overly large so they seem more like they did to me when I was smaller.
I want there to be lots of light coming into the space, so to maximise the natural light I've made the doors out of glass, which greatly increases the amount of light that can come into the boat shed during the day. The reasons for wanting a brighter space are that, on the functional side, its good for reading and keeping the plants alive, and on a more aesthetic side, it makes the space appear larger. Ambient light and the natural light created by the sun are extremely peaceful to me and I try to maximise these types of light in my own spaces at home and at my current accommodation. I'm extremely claustrophobic so this is probably why I like my spaces to appear as large as possible.
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